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- TF01
- 3,Convention Reports - Part 1
- 4,
- Another helping of news and views from the world of Trek conventions!
- Kicking off this issue we have a selection of views from the first
- official Star Trek con seen in the UK - Generations - along with an
- update on all the news surrounding the con scene and exclusive news
- on Infinite Frontiers first Star Trek convention - DELTA QUADRANT! As
- well as this, there are another couple of con reports from Edward
- Woo... you have been warned!!
- -------------
- Royal Albert Hall, London, England
- ------------------------------------
- 4th - 5th February 1995
- -------------------------
- Ian Shuttleworth
- ----------------
- Day One
- Friday, 3rd February, 11:00 am and we are finally all packed and
- ready to go. First stop is to pick up Andy and Shelly. On our way at
- last and it's 11:30 am. With quite a long journey ahead of us we
- decided to break our journey at Sheffield. This would give us a
- chance to buy some last minute bits from the Sheffield Space Centre.
- Got into Sheffield at 1:00 pm but not a Picard picture to be found
- anywhere. It looked like we were not the first Trekkies to hit this
- town so we bought something with the name "Generations" written on it
- (with the hope of getting it signed). Well, after a long, hard and
- very slow drive to Gravesend, we arrived at Dawn's house at 6:30 pm.
- Well, we all unpacked and had a brew. The tension in the air about
- the convention was electrifying and it must have gone midnight before
- we all finally stopped talking and went to bed.
- Day Two
- Then suddenly, the whine of the alarm clock was to be heard. It was
- 5:30 am and I seized the opportunity to be the first to get a shower,
- but yes, you guessed it, Shelly was already in there, and as for Dawn
- she was already dressed! Well, finally I got a somewhat warmish
- shower, then just enough time for a quick bite to eat before putting
- on my uniform. Well, it was now 7:30 am and it was time to hit the
- road, so we all jumped into the car and we went.
- Got into London at 8:15 and as we drove past the Albert Hall we we're
- astonished at the size of the queues so we quickly found an expensive
- car park to park in and we waved a cab to take us back to the Hall.
- Well, we got in the correct queue and waited for the doors to open.
- We saw a few familiar faces from past conventions and were handed
- what seemed to be hundreds of flyers. And then, suddenly, the queue
- started to move. This was it. We were going in! We were seated in the
- upper balcony which proved to be a hell of a climb, up what seemed to
- be a never ending staircase, but what a magnificent sight when we
- walked into the Hall. It's absolutely breathtaking, the sight of the
- famous, if not historical monument.
- Well the time had finally come, the lights dimmed, and the famous
- Next Generation theme tune began to play. Then a powerful spotlight
- came shone towards the stage, and emerging from a haze of fog walked
- Worf, or should I say Michael Dorn. What a spectacular and
- entertaining performance he gave, with some brilliant answers to the
- audience's questions.
- Well, after Worf had left the stage it was time for a half hour
- break, so we walked over to the dealer rooms. This was a major
- mistake as almost five thousand other convention people had the same
- idea. Well after queuing for ages we decided to go back to our seats.
- Next on stage was Gates McFadden, who seems to look younger every
- time you see her. She was very entertaining and when Worf walked on
- they both did a dance routine which was quite funny. It was now
- twelve o'clock and we decided to go eat our food outside. As we
- walked around the rear of the hall we saw a massive mob of Trekkers
- and in the middle was poor Gates trying her best to get to her
- limousine. I managed to get a couple of photo's as she drove past but
- unfortunately they did not turn out so good. Then, as I was about to
- tuck into my third sandwich I spotted a rather large sort of bloke on
- the other side of the road. Me and Andy walked across and noticed it
- was Big Boy Barry, or Alex, as he is really called. Well, we had a
- quick chat with Alex, whoops sorry, Big Boy Barry and took a few
- photo's with him. Oh yes, he was fascinated with my flashing
- tricorder and wanted to keep it. Next we saw Rick Berman at the stage
- door and as there were only a few people there Rick had decided to do
- a few autographs so again the camera was clicking away.
- After lunch, me and Andy said we would stay near this stage door as
- Patrick was soon to arrive next. Well, the girls decided to go back
- inside to listen to Rick Berman's speech, and I think word must have
- spread about Patrick's arrival because as the time grew closer to the
- great one's arrival, a rather large crowd had formed outside the
- stage door. Well, not to lose my position in the crowd, I hung onto
- the railings and it paid off because, when Patrick arrived, his limo
- stopped right in front of me so I took as many pictures as I could.
- His departure from the car was swift and before you knew it, he was
- gone. Soon after we got back to our seats to see the main character
- he came on stage and the audience went wild for what seemed like ages
- and ages. Finally they calmed down.
- As soon as Patrick spoke, the audience went wild again. Patrick's
- hour seemed to fly by and I think he spoke for almost an hour and
- half. He even spoke without the aid of a microphone and you could
- still here his voice from where we were sat. I remember someone
- asking him to repeat those immortal words "Mr. Crusher. Warp One.
- Engage." which he did. Well that was it. He said everything, even
- "Tea, Earl Grey, hot.", "Make it so." et cetera. I must admit this
- man is a very talented and clever actor whenever he acts, be it on
- Star Trek or on the stage.
- But the end came and he bowed out graciously. Oh yes, I forgot to
- mention that the first lady of Star Trek made an appearance. I am
- referring to Nichelle Nichols (Uhura). She had come to the Hall to
- promote her new autobiography as she was signing it if you bought a
- copy.
- Well, as the first day had come to an end, we decided to go to Pages
- Bar in Westminster. This is the only Star Trek theme bar in the
- country and yes, you guessed it, it was full when we arrived and they
- would not let us in. So, we drove back to Dawn's house stopping on
- the way for some pie and chips. Afterwards we watched some videos
- that Dawn had taped from T.V. after all, there had been loads of Star
- Trek interviews and reports that day. We must have talked yet again
- into the early hours of the morning before getting to bed.
- Day Three
- I thought I would treat myself to a bit of a lie in today and let
- everyone else have a shower first so as I lay there I did not here
- any sounds so I assumed that the others were thinking the same thing
- si I finally made an attempt to get up. This must have encourage the
- others and we hurriedly got into our uniforms and had some breakfast.
- Well it was time to get on our way again.
- Got into London at 8:30 and decided to find somewhere better to park
- so we started to look. I spotted a small car park in the middle of
- Hyde Park and to my amazement it was free all day and what made
- things better it was only five minutes away by foot from the hall.
- Today's line was first, Levar Burton. He came on stage and he seemed
- very serious about life in general. He spoke like some kind of
- philosopher, still he was good. Next was Brent Spiner. This man was
- the most comical and entertaining man I have ever seen. He could
- quite literally become a comedian, he is that funny. And all the time
- he was on the stage, it was hard to believe that this man was really
- Brent and not Mr. Data. As Brent's spot came to an end, Levar came on
- with this enormous pole with a hook on the end and he pulled Brent
- off the stage. This was hilarious.
- Well, once again we decided to have our lunch outside and whilst
- talking to some people who said that Marina was soon to arrive,
- closely followed by Jonathan Frakes. We decided to stay outside. The
- girls, except Shelly, went back inside for the charity auction. Well,
- the rest of us decided to get a good position near the stage door. A
- little time passed before Marina arrived and then she was here. The
- limo stopped and she got out. She was absolutely gorgeous. She wore a
- very short black skirt and a matching jacket and as she walked
- towards us she stopped and did a few autographs. She looked at me and
- I handed a picture for her to sign and her hand touched mine (WOW!).
- She duly signed it and walked through the door. I even manged to get
- some fantastic pictures of her.
- Very soon after, Jonathan arrived and the security were not taking
- any chances as about a dozen hot blooded females were ready to pounce
- on him the minute he arrived, so the security moved everyone away and
- he got out the car and did about two autographs and was gone.
- Back inside for the show and Marina was on first and if you have
- never heard her speak before then you are in for a surprise. Her
- accent is cockney and I mean cockney. But still, this was Marina
- talking and it did not matter. I do recall that she kept trying to
- apologize for crashing the Enterprise. Her reason was that she did
- not see the planet until it was too late (typical). She eventually
- rounded off her spot with a few more questions before leaving.
- Next, after a short break was Jonathan and I think Dawn couldn't wait
- as she had been talking about him all weekend. He came on and and
- started his performance. I recall him saying how much he did not want
- to get into the pool of tar in the episode Skin of Evil and how the
- production crew said don't worry about it so he did it anyway, then
- as he crawled out he saw Levar walking towards him and he said
- "Frakes, I would never have done that." I'm sure you get the picture.
- Well it was soon over and I'm sure in my mind who I enjoyed the best.
- In order, I must say in third place it was Michael Dorn followed by
- Patrick Stewart and in first place without a question of a doubt it
- had to be Brent Spiner.
- Well it was time to go home, so back to Gravesend we went to take
- Dawn home and as we said our goodbyes we thanked her for letting us
- stop at her house and waved a final farewell. Not looking forward to
- the long drive ahead, the girls, Julie and Shelly fell asleep in the
- back and me and Andy talked about what a good weekend we had as we
- tootled up the M1 talking about things like time travel and warp
- theories and what ever et cetera.
- Well, thats about all. I can't wait until the next film. I hope there
- will be another convention like this one and my advice would be to
- get yourself to one.
- SOL III '95
- -------------
- The Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool, England
- -----------------------------------------------
- 26th - 29th May 1995
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- George Griffin
- --------------
- Main Guests: Dwight Schultz (Lt. Reginald Barclay)
- Eric Menyuk (The Traveler)
- Harry Harrison (author of the Steel Rats Books)
- Richard Arnold
- After many years away from Star Trek and not overly impressed with
- the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, we have recently
- been watching re-runs of season 6 on Sky TV and also the run of
- season 7 and Deep Space Nine, we found ourselves enjoying the new
- world of Star Trek.
- With this new found interest in Star Trek we decided to go to a Star
- Trek convention. The next convention to be held was to be Sol III at
- Blackpool in May and as it was the middle of April there was a mad
- rush to organize everything, we could not get booked into the main
- hotel so we had to find a small hotel in Blackpool.
- After a 5:00 am start to get connecting trains to arrive in Blackpool
- for 12:00 pm, my wife and I made our way to the hotel and after
- registering and receiving our convention pack, we sat in the foyer to
- study the programme for the weekend. The convention programme was a
- 36 page book with black and white photos of the main guests and a
- couple of stills from Generations.
- First off we noticed that the first two episodes of Voyager were to
- be shown at 2:00 pm and then to be followed by Generations. After
- watching Caretaker and Parallax, we eagerly awaited Generations, but
- after about 40 minutes the picture was lost and it didn't seem to be
- coming back, so we left to get something to eat and be back in time
- for the opening ceremony.
- The opening ceremony started at 8:00 pm and the main guests were
- introduced, Dwight Schultz, Eric Menyuk, Richard Arnold and Chas
- Evans, who brought a photograph of himself and Dwight on the giant
- big dipper at Blackpool pleasure beach.
- After the ceremony there was to be a party for all 1st timers, but
- the bar where it was to be held was taken over by an Irish folk band
- so we were taken to one of the video rooms and shown a 15 minute
- video of past conventions, after the video we were told that there
- was a surprise for us, and we were directed to another room this time
- with a bar and the committee had arranged for Dwight, Eric and
- Richard to spend some time with the people new to conventions, so
- about 20 people had the main guests all to themselves for most of
- Friday night. By 10:30 pm the party seemed to be in full swing, but
- because of our early start we decided to leave for some much needed
- sleep.
- We unfortunately missed Richard Arnold's talk on the Saturday, mainly
- because it was scheduled for 9:00 am (!), and this was the only one
- he did.
- With so much going on it was hard to decide what to do next, after
- Dwight Schultz's talk we went to the dealers room where I got the
- final Spectra Card for the Master Series trade cards, but it was
- quite expensive. Then it was off to the video room to see
- Yesterday's Enterprise, but missed Data's Day.
- Later in the evening was the fancy dress/disco, the fancy dress
- contestants consisted of a group doing a scene from Star Wars,
- Lwaxana Troi, A couple of Klingons, a crossover between Red Dwarf's
- Mr. Flibble and Data, but the best entry and overall winner was an
- amazing Ambassador Kosh from Babylon 5.
- Sunday started with another visit to the Dealers room where I
- purchased some more trade cards, 2 jigsaws one Classic Trek, the
- other Next Generation, a Next Generation operations shirt and a
- signed Chief O'Brien trade card.
- The Party on Sunday night was a Sci-Fi quiz followed by a Karaoke.
- Dwight Schultz turn up guarded by a team of F.B.I agents which
- included agents Mulder and Scully, he also had a sword fight with a
- Cyrano de Bergerac look-alike. The quiz was a bit difficult to follow
- because of the noise in the bar, but the Karaoke was a big hit with
- everyone and Quark and his Dabo girls went down quite well, and even
- Eric Menyuk did a turn.
- On Monday there was a guests panel which consisted of Dwight Schultz,
- Eric Menyuk and Harry Harrison, the main questioning was about
- U.F.O.s and what they would do in a first contact situation.
- The closing ceremony was running about 40 minutes late and by the
- time raffles and fancy dress prizes had been presented it was nearly
- 1:30 pm and we had a train to catch at 2:00 pm, so we missed the
- finale which was a tribute to Gene Roddenberry.
- As this was our first convention we cannot compare it to others, but
- overall it was a very enjoyable convention with plenty to see and do,
- and very well organised.
- Edward Woo
- ----------
- Thursday. I was really looking forward to this con as it will be my
- first one in over a year and we are returning to the Norbreck since
- Frontiers in 1990. Unfortunately, neither Baggy or Simon were going,
- so I was sharing a room with a new Star Trek fan. Got packed, made
- sandwiches and tanked up the car with fuel for the journey in the am.
- Friday. Got up at about 8:00 am ready for the drive ahead. Had a
- breakfast of orange juice and cornflakes. Eating my sandwiches of
- salmon and lettuce as I warped up the M6 to Blackpool making a ninety
- degree turn onto the M55. Following the signs I made a slight detour
- but got onto the sea front road and found a perfect parking place
- where I could see the car from most windows.
- As it was only 11:00 am and still early I did begin to recognise a
- few faces. Some were already in the queue for registration which had
- not quite opened yet. Saw Philip of Leicester and said hello. I put
- my case down and waited at reception. My room was 181 but it would
- not be ready for another two hours so I put what bits of luggage I
- didn't need in the car and did a wander of the hotel and its
- facilities. The eating facility was better and the hall still had an
- echo. The video rooms were okay and there was a big dealers room.
- Saw Franke and his sister in the queue and we chatted for a good
- while in between snacks whilst waiting to get my con package. Richard
- Arnold, Dwight and Eric were on their way out to enjoy the sights and
- rides of Blackpool. Noticed a lot of first timers at this con. Alex
- Green his first Klingon language class and had a few more over the
- weekend.
- People that were missing at this con were Paul, Sade, John that I
- know of. Jacquie of South Wales fame found the hotel satisfactory and
- with dogs in tow.
- Chatted to Keith of Peterborough when Leeds Starfleet Starbase
- committee arrived - Mike, Carol, Graham. They were staying at a B&B
- down the road as more cost effective. Got a hug from Carol that
- nearly crushed me. Graham, a science teacher now qualified was
- working in a games shop instead. I'm sure I will try and come to
- Starbase '96 as part of the tech crew.
- My con registration package number was 292. As it was noon plus
- thirty minutes I went to see if my room was ready - it was so made 3
- trips from my car with bits, books, food and clothes. I eventually
- found my room up one flight of stairs and past the dealers room.
- The room was pleasant enough but lacked mains sockets as there were
- only two. One for the TV, the other for the charger. Plugged the TV
- set on and got Sky One. Sort of rested awhile having tea and
- biscuits. Got unpacked and actually used the cupboards this time as I
- usually live out of the suitcase over the weekend.
- Opened the con package. They even gave you a free plastic yellow bag
- with Sol III on it. Discarded everything I didn't need except a
- timetable of events and video programme. There was a trivia
- competition. Some of the questions I knew the answers - Klaatu and
- Robbie the Robot came to mind. Serial number of Commander Riker -
- difficult if not impossible unless we rewatched the episode. As to my
- stewards duties, it was with the tech crew with Tim, Richard, Andre,
- Lee and company. Lee was from Stafford Space Central.
- Looking at the programme it would be the main hall events for me and
- some of the latest episodes of DS9 and Voyager. The general SF film
- selection had a varied choice and worth watching.
- Took a shower, but first had to find out how it worked but got there
- in the end and wet in the process. It was about 1:00 pm have rested
- and watched Sky TV and getting into a more comfortable ST sweatshirt
- and trousers. I ambled down the corrider and steps towards the main
- hall to find Tim. Passed the Norbreck room where the dealers were
- setting up and found Jean helping at the IDIC table. Janet was not
- coming because one of the dogs was ill but Valerie and Sheila were
- here. The dealers room was big but plenty of walking space.
- Entered the main hall to find Tim and introduced myself as knowing
- some technical bits and pieces. I was introduced to Lee who was in
- charge of the main hall. She knew of my jottings in the [IDIC]
- newsletters. She seconded two others to help - they were the
- spotlight spotters. We all trailed with Lee back to the registration
- so that we got suitable badges (blue for technical).
- My first errand was to get a flip chart for the main hall so that
- people knew what was taking place. Keith, myself and Jean and David
- stood around and chatted til the flip chart arrived - it took an
- hour. The video programme had started with "Caretaker" and "Parallax"
- beginning only 11 minutes late. Plenty of people were asking for our
- help - it's those red badges. There was a dealers table set up just
- by the door way with cartoon ST characters and t-shirts with "La cute
- ass of Borg" (for Counsellor Troi) and "I've got a big symbiant" (for
- Dax). I dumped some of my auction items in Registration in a yellow
- bag as well.
- It was now 1600 hrs and the dealers room was opened today, amazing
- for a Friday. I was able to get in okay as the queues were small.
- Again, nothing instantly attracted my attention except Voyager #1 by
- Starlog which I bought and a couple of 10x8's of our guests, Dwight
- and Eric.
- Having spent a bit of time there I went to see the main hall film
- "Star Trek Generations" as Richard hadn't seen it yet. Unfortunately
- the quality of the video machine heads deteriorated and the film
- became unwatchable. Andre came to our assistance and we got another
- video machine and continued with the film. We had pinched the spare
- machine from the Classic Trek video room - no one was watching.
- The faulty VCR is a Panasonic and well known for rubbish on the video
- heads that needed cleaning. We took the machine out to registration
- and had a look. We needed some iso property alcohol to clean the
- oxide off. I volunteered to set into town to see if any shops we
- still open i.e. a chemist.
- I moved swiftly passing colleagues by as the machine was needed for
- the weekend passing Frances and Carol by. I drove into town to find
- one chemist open but no alcohol and another camera type shop that
- didn't stock video head cleaner fluid. Upon returning Andew had found
- some fluid and a cloth at the very last minute and cleaned it. Had a
- banana and sandwiches as I rested.
- Upon returning I got to return our Classic Trek VCR machine back to
- its own room as I followed Mark Oliver from Committee room (full of
- drinks) to one place and another until the VCR was back and plugged
- up ready to go.
- I had to think about the route to the Holodeck (Castle Rock bar) as
- it was not quite easy to follow the plan. Meanwhile, John of Fek'lhr
- was here and Anne Page. I passed Jill and Christine as they had just
- arrived who I last saw at Baggy's wedding last week.
- The quiz had not yet begun. I joined Karinn, John (Harminder's
- friend) and some new attendees on a table for a Trek trivia quiz. I
- thought it would be good but as we waited with drink in hand. Karinn
- I hadn't seen since Contagion and John had a list of items and prices
- to get a Richard's auction for Harminder. Drinks of coke, fruit
- juice, lemonade came and went. People were wearing 18th Century
- costumes and masks and wandered around the bar.
- Then the news came the quiz was cancelled due to the lack of time and
- there were too many entries. It would be postponed until space was
- available in the programme. The disco began but we went to another
- bar near the food restaurant. Keith, Peter, Dave and myself chatted
- awhile watching the activities. Dax was here and Bajoran males. A lot
- of DS9 and Next Gen uniforms and one or two Trek movie ones. It was
- midnight plus 30 when I decided it was bed time. Having already seen
- the "Phage", "Time Again" and "Life Support".
- Got some raffle tickets for the Alpha and Beta raffles. Judith was
- still around carrying her Guide Dog Fund dog which we duly
- contributed. Finally met the famous Neil J. Barrett. He's different
- from what I had imagined and he only lives down the road and drove
- in. I said someone want to meet him with a steam roller. David had
- his pager phone and rang Dave as to a Trek trivia question that
- needed answering.
- Taruka and Judith were waiting for their lift home as I found the
- Castle Rock bar which had the first timers party and we couldn't gate
- crash as Frankie and Pam knew it was not a first con for us. As
- Dwight and Eric were there drinking. So ended the first day just
- about. As Peter didn't have anywhere to stay I suggested he could
- come back to my room tonight instead of sleeping in his car. He got a
- few things together and we headed up to my room.
- Joseph was not in yet either. Read a bit a Voyager #1 and decided
- what events I would attend in tomorrows proceedings. Joseph came in
- then. First he thought he had the wrong room when he saw Peter and
- his sleeping bag but he was okay about it. He hadn't unpacked yet and
- still had to get his luggage and so he went off. It was about 1:30 am
- when we had tea. We set the wake up call for 6:45 am with my trusty
- clock as back up. Batteries for camera and shaver on charge before
- lights went out and sleep.
- Saturday. Hello Helen. I here you were at the con through Jean but I
- didn't see you - hope life is better. The 0645 alarm phone rang.
- Joseph stayed asleep in bed. Peter was already up as I moved slowly
- towards the bathroom. Washed, shaved and dressed for the day. Went
- down to breakfast at about 7:15 am with people already eating. A full
- fat buster breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, tea, juice and
- baked beans. Something to survive on all day. After the food, got my
- camera and extras and went to the main hall to see "The Cloud", a
- Voyager story but it was also to get a seat for Richard's talk after
- it.
- Unfortunately, Richard was only on for one session the whole weekend
- which is disappointing to us and for him. The video finished and we
- had a break. As part of the tech crew we got to set up the slide
- projector equipment. Glenn would be in charge of the cartridges as we
- maximized the viewscreen. Glenn was on top of a portable crane. Got
- him a drink as it was hot today. The attendees gathered as I stayed
- on the left hand side of the hall for any tech problems.
- Richard started his slideshow with behind the scenes of DS9, on and
- off camera. Scenes from Generations. We changed cartridges smoothly,
- the sign was an explosion. Couldn't remember the slides but there
- were only two from Voyager - keeping them tight, the Art Department
- from outside eyes.
- Richard then had a Q&A with the attendees. Philip Anglim who plays
- Bariel wanted to leave the show and so the character was killed off.
- O'Brien's pips could so eaily be solved but Paramount were stalling.
- Star Trek Generations 2 script is definite but no script or
- characters yet. Jake Sisko has grown very tall this year, Sisko is
- promoted to Captain, sporting an end of season beard. Rick Kolbe has
- publicly been seen with Kate Mulgrew. Cliff Bole does have two shorts
- - blue and green. Voyager renewed for a second season and DS9 for a
- fourth. No Star Trek office hence continuity errors still persist.
- The runabout set is still available for use. The Defiant bridge is
- the smallest set on the show. Miles O'Brien still there despite
- Colm's film work. Richard Arnold said it is now more difficult to get
- on the sets but still has contacts. Paramount only notices anything
- when the sales figures drop and there is a lot of crap merchandise
- out there.
- Then Richard's auction began. Dave Simons was in the room and Richard
- knew there was something special for him. Again, mainly autographed
- trading cards and photos. DeForest 10x8 - £50. Generations phone card
- - £40. Generations Enterprise #51 out of 250,000 - £65 as early
- numbers went to the cast. Jonathan and Patrick trading card - £46,
- whilst Kirk and Uhura trading card - £45. Dave Simons got the Voyager
- press kit for £125 only (that's cheap). 10x8 Kate Mulgrew - £37.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Star Trek turtles - £30. Keith bought the signed
- trading card of Kira - £30. envelope of Star Trek goodies - £101. CIC
- artwork, 3 Borg episodes - £15. Hamilton plate of Pike and Vina -
- £50, Finally a Galoob figure of Data - £35.
- I think Richard was surprised how low the prices were for the stuff
- - probably a sign of the times as prices have been higher in the
- past.
- It was 1100 hrs and our guest Dwight was next. He came on stage,
- announced by Lee to a huge welcome and flash photography and
- clapping. He is very distinctive in appearance and voice and could
- mimic anyomne including Patrick. He did a brief Picard and was asked
- about the character Barclay, his spide impersonation, his A-Team
- work, working with the late George Peppard and Mr T. Mr T was working
- brilliantly with a child who was dying and Dwight said he couldn't do
- that sort of thing - so difficult. There is a rumour of an A-Team
- movie with a new and younger cast. Pam bought Dwight up his drink
- upon stage. As he poured it into his glass everyone watched if he
- would spill a drop. He described how he got the Murdock role in the
- A-Team based upon a character he met. His recent portrayal in Babylon
- 5 seemed to cast him in roles of unusual mean "mad ones" he has
- cornered as an actor. He would have loved to be in the "Generations"
- movie. Being on the TNG set, he couldn't believe the amount of jokes
- being played especially Jonathan and the peg on someones clothes in
- camera shot - the director would say "Cut!"
- I can't remember anymore but his repatoire was entertaining us for a
- full one and a half hours. It was only his second convention and so
- far he was enjoying it.
- We were running behind but we had a half hour break before Chas Evans
- was to talk about the releases of new films and CIC video promotions.
- it was an oppurtunity to get some food and pop upto the Art Room.
- The Art Room was quiet and we got permission to take photos. A USS
- Enterprise made of rubbish bits. Plenty of portraits by Wendy Ward or
- Ware (I can't remember) all superb ranging from Star Wars, Indiana
- Jones to Star Trek people. A couple of childlike Galileo
- shuttlecrafts on the floor. Plenty of Anderson models, a Thunderbird,
- Shadomobile, Ski and to a massive R2D2 that had a remote control. On
- one table we had a Bat'leth made of solid metal - it was heavy. Got
- some nice photos despite the relecting sun and daylight on the
- picture frames.
- We returned to part of Chas' talk - he was still going - he had many
- film trailers. Waterworld was being edited by Costner, various
- stories no how the most expensive had spent its millions even a boat
- from Italy. Tank Girl not quite understood in the US and re-edited
- for the UK. Generations 2 logo already prepared.
- Erik Menyuk started his guest show only a little late but I thought
- it was poorly attended - shame that. He came upon the platform
- wearing his baseball cape from yesterday's opening ceremony. He had a
- bag of bits next to a table, stool and drinks tray. He had a cassette
- recorder which he talked to to prove to his wife he was in England.
- He had a camera and took pictures of the audience. He then came down
- to the audience and gave one attendee the camera so he could get good
- photos of him for his wife and posed briefly so the shot was taken.
- During his answer session with the crowd he started to try and answer
- a question before derailing with other stories. He even started
- answering the Trek trivia competition but we gave him some of the
- answers. He then realised he was being videoed onto a screen above
- him. He tried to outrun the video camera operator ducking in the
- process but the man was too quick. He talked abput the Traveller and
- not getting the part of Data in early auditions.
- He was asked about his law studies, the O.J. Simpson trial, whether
- he's guilty and will he get away with it. He said he could be doing
- O.J.'s work if the trial goes on that long.
- Eric's favourite topic was his young son, just recently born and how
- to bring them up. Eric said he and Patrick had one thing in common -
- both bald.
- Jean who was taking notes could not write them down fast enough as he
- was always off on a tangent in a storyline, but Eric's entertaining
- bit soon ran out of time. He did mention the con booklet - wrong
- Enterprise for Picard, his work with Andy Griffiths and Mattlock and
- the three episodes of LA Law and Married with Children. He was
- currently unemployed as an actor but has his law studies for being a
- lawyer in a couple of years time.
- Around about 1600hrs, Alan Whibley, a man of Special Effects came on
- with bits and bobs. Keith stayed but I drifted out to get some
- photo's of Dwight and Eric before they were sold out. Fortunately
- Dwight was in the dealers room signing and photos being taken. I got
- him to personalise one for me. Richard taking my money first for a
- change. Dwight had his agent with him and had presigned 1000 photos
- of Barclay for speed and efficiency.
- I founf Eric in the bar as usual and he signed his photo with my
- Chinese name despite the unusual spelling. I didn't confuse him
- anymore with the pronunciation.
- After Alan's talk, Keith said he got his business card with possible
- jobs in special effects but you had to start at the bottom of the
- ladder like him.
- Next we had Rog Reytus auction part one, the first 60 odd items. His
- table was being set up, Carole doing the paperwork. Roger needed a
- drink before starting bitter. As I enjoyed the auction I got to help
- carrying and presenting the auction items to hall attendees. I was
- showing them to the camera so everyone in the hall got a good view
- propping them on the edge of the table. Not too many people as it was
- early evening and suppose hunger overcame the attendees. Personally I
- thought the reserve prices were high but some sold and others did
- not. Roger was doing the bidding and selling quickly. Quite a few of
- writers signed photos failed to sell. Fran bought the Star Trek
- record and book set. Quite a few American TV guides Star Trek sold.
- Playmates figures of Troi and Jonathan sold both were autographed. A
- small Leonard Nimoy was sold but came back because it was
- personalised.
- Those Star Trek annuals found their way to the auction and I must
- think everyone's got a set by now but Roger still tried to sell them.
- The Star Trek playing cards from The Wrath of Khan are rare as I have
- a set but got expensive for me. The items went swift and quick and we
- came in with a half hour to spare - very unusual as we overrun in
- most cons. Helped to carry of the items to the committee room as the
- bidders came for the money and items. Part two would begin tomorrow.
- to be continued...